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Sesame seeds are very rich in calcium, but also in magnesium, phosphorus, iron, selenium and zinc, they also contain a good dose of folic acid and group B vitamins. Widely used in the kitchen in the preparation of baked products, they are also tasty in salads, muesli or breadings.


Sesame seeds

History and Curiosities

Sesame belongs to the Pedaliaceae family, of Indian origin. Sesamum indicum represents one of the oldest crops in the world, an annual plant that grows to a height of one to two meters. Sesame seeds come in three color varieties: white, red and black. White sesame seeds are rich in iron, red sesame seeds are rich in calcium, and black sesame seeds were mainly used in sacred rites and are best for oil extraction.

Initially widespread in India , China and Japan , sesame is now also cultivated in various Latin American countries.

It was the Indians themselves who attributed the origin of sesame to a gift granted by the deities : according to Indian literature, sesame seeds were born from the drops of sweat of Visnu (Indian deity).

When we talk about sesame, the first thing that comes to mind is the well-known magic formula ' Open sesame !' of the tale of Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves. In fact, the sesame fruits open, scattering numerous seeds everywhere, as precious as the treasures of the cave of the forty thieves. Traditionally, farmers believed that these seeds brought good luck, as they represented Lakshmi, the Goddess of prosperity, and that they made the soil in which the plant could grow more fertile.

Instead, it is said that the ancient Greeks prohibited the use of sesame seeds to all those who participated in the Olympia games . In fact, athletes used to ingest the seeds before competitions to increase their performance. This represented the first case of doping in history. Anyone caught in possession of sesame could be fined, excluded from the games or even sentenced to death.

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In the past, sesame seeds were used in desserts , to make wines and spirits , but also for the production of oil and cosmetics .

Properties and Benefits

Sesame seeds are extremely nutritious and healthy seeds. Their main peculiarity is the high presence of calcium , an element that makes sesame seeds a valid aid for strengthening bones and teeth. Among the minerals present we also mention phosphorus, zinc, magnesium, selenium and potassium.

These seeds are composed of approximately 5% water, 50% fat, 25% carbohydrates and the remaining 20% ​​protein.

Since the seeds are very rich in fat mass, they are cold pressed for the production of oil. It is a refined oil , light yellow in colour, odorless and with a characteristic and pleasant flavour.

The extracted oil stimulates hair growth and maintains its color; it is excellent for massages, for creams and cosmetics.

According to a study by some researchers from the University of Fukuoka Chikushi Hospital in Chikushino, sesame oil and rice bran are elements capable of having positive effects on our body, fighting hypertension and high cholesterol levels. .

Sesame seeds are also an excellent source of vitamins B1-B2-PP-B6 and vitamin E. The latter also gives the seeds and oil precious antioxidant properties.

The presence of dietary fibers, however, gives sesame seeds numerous benefits for the digestive system : thanks to the mucilage they promote digestion. Its leaves are used to treat some problems related to the stomach, especially in case of gastrointestinal irritation.


Sesame seeds are used in the culinary, pharmaceutical and cosmetic fields.

In the kitchen, sesame seeds are used above all in recipes for baked products such as breadsticks, bread, crackers, but also in salad dressings, to prepare rich muesli , to obtain tasty breadings, etc.

One of the best-known recipes that uses sesame seeds as the main ingredients is Gomasio . The latter consists of a condiment prepared with sesame seeds and sea salt, excellent to use instead of absolute salt to improve the seasoning of your dishes and at the same time benefit from all the healthy properties of these small seeds.

Delicious for flavoring salads, boiled vegetables, cereals and legumes but especially ideal for those suffering from hypertension.

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Another very famous sauce in which sesame seeds are used is Tahina. This sauce is made from sesame seed flour mixed with its oil, often used as a seasoning.

It is a fine spread made from hulled sesame rich in vitamins and mineral salts without salt or sweeteners, excellent spread on bread or for preparing sauces.

In addition to traditional food use, sesame oil and cream are also used in the pharmaceutical sector, for example, as a laxative, and in the cosmetics sector, for the production of shampoos and creams.

A sesame cream and nothing else!

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The only contraindication of sesame seeds is that they are seeds that can cause allergies or intolerances in predisposed individuals. To take advantage of the beneficial properties of sesame seeds, simply consume a handful of them a day without ever exceeding in consumption, as they can prove to be a food that facilitates weight gain.

How to store sesame seeds

Having very delicate oils inside them, which risk going rancid, it is advisable to store sesame seeds away from light, in a cool, dry place and inside a glass jar with a cap or an airtight container.


Calories - 573 kcal
Fat - 50 g
Sodium - 11 mg
Potassium - 468 mg
Carbohydrates - 23 g
Protein - 18 g
Vitamin A - 9 IU
Calcium - 975 mg
Iron - 14.6 mg
Vitamin B6 - 0.8 mg
Magnesium - 351 mg
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