Who we are

Leocos srl is a company born from the passion for quality food products of controlled origin, with the dream of enhancing the excellence of the territory and making them known to the world. Leocos srl works to help develop the Aspromonte area, a mountainous area of ​​Calabria, rich in biodiversity and gastronomic traditions. Leocos srl is a leader in Italy in quality dried fruit, specializing in the selection and marketing of food products from local companies, Italian and foreign dried fruit, spices and legumes. With their brand, Leocos, they want to offer consumers a choice of healthy, tasty and genuine products, coming from traceable and sustainable supply chains.

Leocos srl stands out for the care and attention it dedicates to the quality of its products, selecting only the best suppliers and controlling every phase of production and distribution. Furthermore, Leocos srl is committed to promoting the culture and gastronomic tradition of southern Italy, organizing events, tastings and cooking courses, to help customers discover the flavors and secrets of a land rich in history and beauty.

Leocos srl is also a socially responsible company, which safeguards and helps all small local companies and producers, supporting their growth and competitiveness. Leocos srl believes in the value of cooperation and solidarity, and aims to create a network of lasting relationships and trust between its partners.

Leocos srl is the brand that tells a story of passion, quality and innovation, to bring the best of southern Italy and the world to the table.