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Calibrated Natural Italian hazelnuts in shell

Calibrated Natural Italian hazelnuts in shell

Regular price €9,00 EUR
Regular price Sale price €9,00 EUR
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Hazelnuts, fruit of the hazelnut tree, together with almonds, are among the fruits richest in vitamin E. They also contain phytosterols , substances useful for the prevention of heart and circulatory diseases. They contain good fats, capable of lowering LDL cholesterol levels.

Hazelnuts are a excellent snack to be consumed for breakfast or as a snack, as an alternative to packaged products. In the kitchen they are used for both sweet and savory recipes.

Hazelnuts have been attributed to them since ancient times nutritional, healing and even divinatory properties . Hazelnuts are among the fruits richest in vitamin E: 100 grams of hazelnuts contain approximately 86%. Our body greatly needs the presence of vitamin E as it protects the skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays and premature aging.

According to some studies, regular consumption of hazelnuts (at least 25 g per day, 5 times a week) increases HDL cholesterol levels (the good one) and lowers total cholesterol, LDL, and triglycerides, reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases.


  • Unsaturated fatty acids Omega 3 and Omega 6 which help, among other benefits, control inflammatory processes;
  • Fibers that facilitate intestinal transit.
  • Folic acid, important for a healthy pregnancy and the health of the newborn.

Hazelnuts are ideal for a tasty and energy-rich snack. Excellent as a dessert to be savored at the end of the meal to give the perfect finishing touch to all your banquets.

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Basta Alice
Prodotti di ottima qualità

Sono stata molto soddisfatta sia delle nocciole che le noci tutti prodotti di prima scelta ben essiccati grande calibro prezzo buono. Grazie

Gisella Stizza
Nocciole in guscio italiane

Ottime nocciole. Ottime servizio di spedizione e tempi di consegna. Complimenti!
Mi scuso per aver tardato a darvi la recensione, ma è successo (e non colpa Vostra!!) che per correre ad aprire il portone al Corriere…sono inciampata, caduta è fratturato un femore. Ora sono ancora in Ospedale ma me le faccio portare sgusciate perché oltre ad essere buonissime, dicono che mi aiutano a guarire!
Cordiali saluti

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