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Pistachio Crumbs - Premium Quality

Pistachio Crumbs - Premium Quality

Regular price €1,99 EUR
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Chopped Pistachios Prepared at the time of order.

Excellent for preparing desserts. Pistachios contain more protein and less fat than other nuts such as walnuts, almonds, cashews, chestnuts and hazelnuts.


The term dried fruit commonly refers to hazelnuts, walnuts, pistachios, almonds, etc.

Crunchy, tasty, delicious... quality dried fruit is also good! Thanks to its organoleptic properties, which stimulate the sense of pleasure, the consumption of dried fruit promotes the production of endorphins, the famous feel-good hormones.

It is recommended to consume dried fruit as a snack during the day, as it is able to act as a "hunger breaker".

For years, more and more research and studies have evaluated the beneficial effects that dried fruit has on our body, especially in reference to the nutrients it contains. Athletes are well aware of the properties of dried fruit, an excellent source of energy, and never miss it in their morning breakfast or in snacks between one effort and another.


Pistachios, of Asian origin (between Iran and Iraq), are currently produced in many countries including the United States, Australia, Turkey, China, Italy and Greece. Pistachios contain more protein and less fat than other nuts such as walnuts, almonds, cashews, chestnuts and hazelnuts.

From the anacardiaceae family, of the pistacia genus, the pistachio is an oily fruit rich in nutrients: it contains carbohydrates, proteins, amino acids, fats, dietary fibre , but also minerals (mainly phosphorus, potassium, calcium, iron and magnesium), vitamins essentials such as vitamin A, K, vitamin E, B6, folic acid, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, betaine .

So, in addition to being a special ingredient for our dishes, it is also a friend of our health.

Pistachios: Benefits and Properties

  • Useful for weight loss

Eating walnuts regularly helps reduce the risk of weight gain. Pistachios may be especially beneficial for those looking to lose weight or maintain their weight due to their calorie values ​​and fiber and protein content.

  • Important for heart health

Pistachios, in particular, thanks to mono-unsaturated fatty acids (oleic acid - antioxidants) and phytosterols, can protect the heart by reducing cholesterol levels and hypertension.

  • Good for blood sugar balance

Pistachios have a low glycemic index, so they don't cause a sharp rise in blood sugar after someone eats them.

In a small study of 10 people, eating pistachios reduced blood sugar when eaten with a carbohydrate-rich meal, such as white bread.

  • It is good for diabetes

It is a natural aid in the fight against type 2 diabetes and pistachios are excellent for fighting it. The phosphorus contained within them is in fact able to keep the blood glucose level at bay and also decomposes amino acids. Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects also play an important role in glucose metabolism.

They prevent age-related macular disease in the elderly, thanks to the effect of carotenoid antioxidants.

  • They help the nervous system

Vitamin B6 is present in high concentrations in pistachios, and is very useful for the nervous system. Amines are the messaging molecules in the nervous system. To develop, they need amino acids which depend on the presence of vitamin B6 in the body. This vitamin builds a sheath called myelin around nerve fibers. Messages pass through nerve fibers from one nerve to another. Vitamin B6 helps build many amino acids that aid in the proper transmission of nerve impulses.

  • Healthier and more beautiful skin

Vitamin E is very essential for healthy skin and this antioxidant is present in pistachios. Integrates the cellular membranes of the mucous membranes of the skin. It protects the skin from harmful UV rays, prevents skin diseases and makes the skin healthy and more beautiful.

Some studies claim that pistachios have aphrodisiac properties and that their intake would influence the sexual life of men by improving their erectile function.

Pistachios: Their use in cooking

To be added to mixed salads, vegetable sauces, fruit salads, homemade bread, yogurt or ice cream.

Pistachios accompany meat and fish main courses, from lamb to pork to beef to chicken, from anchovies to swordfish, as a breading, condiment or filling. In pastry making, pistachio is enhanced in cakes, ice creams and granitas, biscuits and semifreddos, creams and nougats.

Pistachios in savory recipes can be used whole, chopped or reduced to powder. In this case, pistachios are used above all as a condiment and as a garnish or they are blended together with other ingredients to obtain sauces and also to prepare pesto to season pasta.

Also excellent to eat alone as a snack.

Tiramisu With pistachios!

Creamy and with its unmistakable coffee aroma, tiramisu always gets everyone in agreement when it comes to spoon desserts! But today we want to tease you with a true gourmet variant: pistachio tiramisu.


  • Pistachios 40 g

  • Sesame oil 20 g

  • Egg yolks (about 2) 40 g

  • Sugar 80 g

  • Water 30 g

  • Mascarpone 300 g

  • Ladyfingers 8

  • Coffee 70 g

  • Water at room temperature 30 g

  • Pistachio grains 10 g

To prepare the pistachio tiramisu, place the pistachios in a blender and blend them until they become powdered, then pour in the sesame oil little by little and continue blending until you obtain a cream. Prepare the coffee with the moka and let it cool.

Place a saucepan with a thick bottom on the heat, pour in the water and sugar, bring the syrup to the boil, monitoring the temperature with a food thermometer. When the temperature reaches 115°, start whipping the egg yolks separately with an electric mixer.

When the syrup has reached 121°, remove from the heat and pour it slowly into the bowl where you started whipping the egg yolks, continue whipping at low speed until the mixture has cooled and becomes light and frothy, it will take about 10 minutes. -12 minutes. At this point add the mascarpone, continuing to beat with the whisk.

Lastly, add the pistachio cream, always keeping the whisk running until it is blended. Now divide the ladyfingers in half.

Pour the coffee prepared with the moka into a low, wide bowl. Then dilute it with 30 g of water at room temperature. Everything is ready to compose the tiramisu: take 4 glasses with a capacity of 140 ml each, using a piping bag, squeeze the cream on the bottom to create a first layer, continue by immersing two halves of ladyfingers in the bowl with coffee and water to then place them inside the glass, creating the second layer, continue by squeezing more cream, sprinkle the surface with bitter cocoa and then again continue with another layer of ladyfingers then another of cream, finally finishing with the bitter cocoa and the chopped pistachios, leave to harden in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. The pistachio tiramisu is ready to be enjoyed!


Calories - 631 kcal

Fat - 56 g

Sodium - 1 mg

Carbohydrates - 8 g

Protein - 18 g

Fibers - 11 g

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Based on 1 review
Antonella Rosiello


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